Thursday, 27 December 2018

The Twits

Mr. and Mrs. Twit are the most disgusting people I’ve ever heard of or read about. As shown by the prolific writer Roald Dahl, they often play dirty tricks on each other. Yes, very dirty tricks such as putting a frog in bed and rejoicing when the other shrieks with terror after finding an unwelcome guest between blankets. But it is how they treat animals that is extremely disheartening. Mr. Twit, for instance, applies the most sticky adhesive on a tree outside their windowless house to trap birds for his favorite meal - bird pie. Mrs. Twit, on the other hand, keeps her monkeys standing upside down for days on end waiting for a never-arriving circus day where she intends to make lots of money. But like other bad characters, their day comes, soon after… Get a copy for your child, read and enjoy… There is a movie too, watch a part of it here


When you read Matilda by Roald Dahl, that’s if you haven’t already, you will most certainly notice the following:

1.       The con tricks of Matilda’s dad - Mr Wormwood,
2.       The gambling habits of her mother - Mrs Wormwood,
3.       The sweetness of her teacher - Miss Honey, just like her name,
4.       The brutality of her Head of School - Mrs Trunchbull, and
5.       Matilda’s supernatural brainpower...

Enjoy the read and remember there is Matilda the movie too if you prefer audio-visual learning. You can watch the trailer here 

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Making Fantastic Mr. Fox - the enormous work behind the film

Appreciating the great work behind the movie "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and also recommending the book "Fantastic Mr. Fox" by Roald Dahl on which that 2009 movie is based.

Though meant for kids, it's a good read. You'll love it, especially when Mr. and Mrs. Fox discuss what is to be stolen for supper.

 I quote "Every evening as soon as it got dark, Mr. Fox would say to Mrs. Fox, 'Well my darling, what shall it be this time (for supper)? A plump chicken from Mr. Boggis' (farm)? A duck or a goose from Mr. Bunce's (farm)? Or a nice turkey from Mr. Bean's (farm)?' And when Mrs. Fox had told him what she wanted, Mr. Fox would creep down into the valley in the darkness of the night..."

The book is only 80 pages (12pt) and filled with entertainment. Try it or find one for your child (6 -11).


Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Lives endangered by lack of bumps on Lower Kabete road

The Star Newspaper (Kenya): Monday, August 13, 2018

The Kiambu government should urgently liaise with relevant agencies and erect speed bumps along its portion of Lower Kabete Road. 
The road serves both Nairobi and Kiambu counties. But I have noted with concern that the portion of the road in Kiambu County has not one single speed bump unlike along the Nairobi side. Not even where primary schools are located. 
Along the Nairobi portion of the road, bumps have been erected near key institutions where there is heavy pedestrian traffic among them Farasi Lane Primary School, Lower Kabete Primary School, The Kenya School of Government and The University of Nairobi – School of Business. However, there are none near the Kabete  Approved School, Kabete crossroads junction, Ndongoro Primary School, the ever-busy Ngurukuri crossroads and Kamutiini Center. 
Notably, these are largely located along a slope and most vehicles rush downhill without a care.
Accidents happen often and it is not uncommon to find a break-down truck towing away a badly damaged vehicle, which leaves one wondering about its (former) passengers. I have witnessed a number of accidents including on March 4 at Ngurukuri Crossroads. Another was on August 1 at the same Ngurukuri stage where a van driver hit three pupils and sped off. There is no word yet on the arrest of the driver. The pupils are still hospitalised in Kikuyu town. 
A colleague and her brother were knocked down by a speeding driver during an early morning jog on July 22. They are recuperating at home. 
These and many others could be averted if speed bumps were erected at key spots along the road. The same holds true for Ngecha and Getathuru roads in the same area.       
 By Njoroge Kiratu, Lower Kabete
Ngurukuri accident on March 4, 2018