Sunday, 12 November 2017

Kyuna roundabout has turned into a dangerous pool

The Standard Newspaper (Kenya): Monday, November 13, 2017

I am disappointed with KURA, The Nairobi County Government and any other authority that can turn around the sorry state of affairs at Kabete Road/Kyuna Road Junction Roundabout – Spring Valley.

As it is, one side of the roundabout is a pool that poses a grave risk to motorists and other road users. Nowadays, even buses avoid that side. Almost every vehicle uses the wrong side. 

In fact, I’ve witnessed a number of near misses. On Saturday, a number of cars stalled after attempting to cross the pool. Even more appalling is the traffic snarl up that stretches from that roundabout all the way to Kenya School of Government, sometimes up to The University of Nairobi - School of Business Campus on lower Kabete Road. When you take into account the construction of Waiyaki Way – Red Hill Link Road which crosses Lower Kabete Road about 200 meters from that roundabout, the snarl-ups have been massive.

I agree we may not have control over the completion of the link road however the pool can easily be drained and potholes filled. 

Njoroge Kiratu,

 Below is a photo of the roundabout on a drier day and a google maps link   

Inline image 1

Response by Kura on the state of the roundabout
Many thanks, KURA for solving the problem