Sunday, 6 March 2016

Academic Ranking Leaves out other Valuable Parameters

1.      Daily Nation Newspaper (Kenya): Friday, December 12, 2014

Academic Ranking Leaves out other Valuable Parameters

In Summary

The Cabinet Secretary for Education made a step in the right direction by abolishing the ranking. But a heated debate has emerged.

The proponents of the debate — mostly government officials — argue that ranking has led to examination malpractices, forcing learners to repeat classes and the registration of satellite schools where weaker students are registered as candidates.

The opponents — mainly teachers’ unions — argue that ranking encourages healthy competition, eliminates vices such as laziness, boosts the quality of education and is important in the appraisal of staff. Nothing could be further from the truth.

International schools abolished ranking ages ago. They believe that every child is unique and it is, therefore, unfair to rank him or her against other students of different abilities. This philosophy in my view justifies the banning of that patronising ranking.

Ranking rarely recognises a student’s participation in co-curricular activities whose importance cannot be overemphasized. Sports, art, business amass fortunes for individuals and their nations.
Ranking fails to recognise team players and leaves out many other valuable traits in individuals.

There are many educated fools out here, lacking common sense and good manners.


Ranking of Schools Tradition is Demeaning

1.      The Star Newspaper (Kenya): Monday, December 15, 2014

There is no denying that ranking of schools and candidates is as discriminatory as it is demoralizing. No doubt, the Cabinet Secretary for Education made a step in the right direction by abolishing that demeaning age-old practice. But as it has turned out, a heated debate has emerged.

The proponents of the ban - mostly government officials - on one hand, argue that ranking has led to examination malpractices, forcing students to repeat classes and the registration of satellite schools where weaker students are enrolled as candidates.

The opponents - mainly teachers’ unions – on the other hand, argue that ranking encourages healthy competition, eliminates vices such as laziness, boosts the quality of education and is important in the appraisal of staff. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Interesting, though, is the outlook by some international schools that abolished ranking ages ago. They believe that every child is undeniably unique and it is, therefore, unfair to rank him or her against other students of diverse abilities. This philosophy in my view justifies the banning of that patronizing practice.

Many will agree that ranking rarely recognizes a student’s participation in co-curricular activities whose importance cannot be overemphasized in this contemporary era. We all know many sports personalities, local or global, who have amassed enormous fortunes despite being ranked at the bottom of academic tables.

Similarly, many entrepreneurs dropped out of school due to stigma and frustration arising from humiliating ranking in schools. Today, they top almost every corporate rank.

Worse, ranking rarely gives consideration to acquired life skills that are a requirement underscored by many an employer. I don’t remember a job advert without the phrase ‘must be a team player’ because employers are aware of the existence of many ‘educated fools’.

It is for these reasons that employers would hire some people for some jobs because they went to certain schools and/or universities and participated in certain events or activities that are crucial for success at the workplace. They know that those schools produce confident, happier and self-driven graduates.

In fact, Kaimenyi should move with haste and abolish the Mean Grade since it has denied the country and the world some of the best professionals because they missed the requisite grade by half a point or so despite having a favorable cluster of points in the key areas; yet opportunities to repeat national examinations are few and far between.

For sure, the prohibition of ranking of candidates and schools is an idea whose time has come.

Njoroge Kiratu teaches at Oshwal Academy Nairobi Junior High.

It's The TSC Job To Recruit, Manage Nursery Teachers

1.    The Star Newspaper (Kenya) and (Cape Town) Wednesday, April 16, 2014

It’s the TSC Job to Recruit, Manage Nursery's TSC Job to Hire KG Teachers
The gridlock between the Teachers Service Commission and county governments over the recruitment of Early Childhood Education teachers is unnecessary.

Article 237 of the constitution clearly gives TSC powers to recruit and manage teachers in its employ; while empowering county governments, as per The Fourth Schedule part 2 (9), to manage pre-primary education and childcare facilities – not teachers. Even Education Secretary Jacob Kaimenyi concurs.

Why then is the TSC best-placed for the role in comparison to counties?
First, TSC's policy of employing older graduates before giving the newbies a chance promotes fairness, tribal, gender, and regional balance. The commission has perfected that in its long history, since its inception in the year 1967; therefore ascertaining that it is indeed the best body to manage educators.

It could be argued that devolution of pre-primary education gives wananchi a legitimate say in matters education. However, let us take a look at the picture drawn by their representatives, namely MCAs and governors, as regards devolution of education and - to bolster my argument - other services as well.

Doctors complaining about disrespect by some MCAs resigned en masse from public hospitals. If MCAs can humiliate lifesaving professionals; what about ECDE teachers? Will educational performance improve if teachers are mishandled?

Last December, the media reported the plight of ECDE teachers in Nyeri county who were made to work as parking attendants and revenue collectors during the August and December holidays. Is it fair yet there are people employed for those jobs?

A few weeks later, the Garissa governor proposed the sacking of head teachers as the panacea for poor education standards in his county; forgetting that education has three major players: parents, teachers and pupils. Isn't that an arbitrary decision?

Though some may argue that the above cases do not justify a blanket condemnation of teachers management by devolved governments; ignoring them is akin to burying our heads in the sand and suffocating the system.

It is intriguing that governors and senators, who for the better part of the year have been embroiled in supremacy battles, have a common stand on this issue.

The Council of Governors chairman Isaac Rutto and the Senate's Committee on Education and Information chairman Mutahi Kagwe maintain that the recruitment of ECDE teachers is purely a county government function.

Secondly, the academic performance of ECDE pupils is of paramount importance. Who is better placed to inspire pupils than a teacher free from possible disdain by MCAs and governors? Some analysts attribute poor performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examination to poor elementary education. The Kenya National Examination Council says some candidates sitting the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examination can hardly construct a sentence in English or Kiswahili - can they score any better in KCSE?

If ECDE pupils are to be taught by the best teachers who will stump out the academic rot and enhance co-curricular activities, then it is imperative that

TCS hires them as opposed to counties where witch-hunting, nepotism, and favouritism are rife.
With the stage set for the creation of an Education Appeals Tribunal, the welfare and discipline of ECDE teachers, for instance, can be extended to the tribunal if decisions made by TSC seem unfair. On the other hand, though decisions made by counties can be challenged at the courts, the process is lengthy. The tribunal could not have come at a better time than this, when a person no less than the Chief Justice, Willy Mutunga, recently recommended the application of alternative justice due to a backlog in the courts.

Let the ISO-certified TSC do its job as enshrined in the constitution. On April 9, it was reported that the commission has already developed a scheme of service for ECDE teachers with nine grades of teachers' cadres and seven grades of assistant teachers. This will put scenarios where the teachers are assigned odd jobs behind us.

It is not my intention to undermine odd jobs, especially as - with a light touch - President Uhuru and Deputy President William Ruto are self-appointed clerk and messenger; the fact is, under TSC, ECDE teachers will have the much-awaited job description and security coupled with accountability.

The writer is a high school teacher.

Right of Reply: Teachers are Intelligent people

1.      Sunday Nation Newspaper (Kenya): Sunday, January 18, 2015

In Summary

First, Otundo insinuates that teachers are scatterbrains. He should know that teachers are not only intelligent people but also polished life coaches. In fact, a majority of curriculum developers are former teachers because they can pinpoint weaknesses of a blueprint before it is implemented as a curriculum.

Second, he suggests teaching does not require thinking but mere factory-like routine processes. What will mathematics teachers who work out complex sums on a daily basis say? Has he ever come across application questions in sciences and social sciences that often require knitting up of correlated facts and figures from across the board? Who guides students to tackle such? Is it not teachers?  Does Otundo understand the difficulty of teaching languages? What about information and communication technology as a subject? Can one limit its dynamism?

Third, Otundo says that teachers should pander to the whims of the government if they want a salary raise. This is even more infuriating. He ought to know that teachers went on strike after a collective bargaining agreement was ignored by the same government he wants us to cuddle.
The baba na mama era is long gone!

Teacher Njoroge Kiratu, Nairobi.